If you’ve been looking to grow your business through website inquiries and signups then you’ve probably heard of digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) and configuring content to rank higher in Google (that’s the default search engine that lots of people choose nowadays isn’t it? Well, with 88% of all searches I think we can assume it is.)
When people want their business website to rank higher in Google (and get more eyes on their content) they tend to look for an SEO writer: someone who can create written content that is search engine optimized and attracts visitors.
Let’s find out what it is and why it’s so important.
What is it?
SEO writing is the process of creating written content for your website with a focus on specific keywords in order to rank that page in the search engines. Employing a number of different tactics in current SEO thinking will help any potential customers find that particular page and take the action you want them to.
It also includes supporting content on the website that lets search engine bots know that the page you’re trying to attract people to is most definitely about the topic they think it is, and that you’d like (pretty please) to rank and get visitors to it. Search engines like Google have a sophisticated algorithm that has over 200 factors affecting where pages are ranked.
Further, Google and Bing can also speculate when a searcher on their platform is (or isn’t) satisfied with a page that is ranking. As an example, if an individual clicks on your link, loads the page and then decides it isn’t for them they’ll probably click the back button. The search engine platform then knows (or at least figures it out through behavior analysis) and makes adjustments accordingly (like moving your page up or down the rankings according to its programming).
This is why it’s super important that the page which is ranking has high-quality written content and has all of the main elements of SEO writing, as this will have an impact on your overall digital marketing strategy.
How your website can benefit
SEO writing is important. Below, I’ve listed a number of things that can help you rank higher in Google.
By giving both searchers and search engines what they want.
Let’s not forget that these aren’t going to be the only factors to help you rank higher in Google (there are 200+ different things, as highlighted above).
Create regular content
Regular posting of high-quality content on your website that’s of the topic and highly relevant for visitors makes sense. When thinking about writing this type of content, choose a minimum word count of at least 1,000 words for each page/post.
You can create shorter posts on different topics, but we’ve found that pages of at least 1,000 words work better if your goal is to get more search engine traffic.
Some individuals also choose to write epic pieces of content around the 20,000 words mark. This will take a lot more effort to write, edit and publish into a great piece of content than a shorter one, but it will be worth it if you promote it adequately (it’s a great way to showcase your industry expertise).
Interlink pages to help
When pages in a similar topic internally link to others on the same website search engines bots take note. As the robots scan your written words in the code they pick out what the page is about and then make a decision.
If you interlink pages on the same topic that are relevant then these are picked up by the robots too.
But… what’s more important is those links being highlighted in the text and helping the reader to navigate and learn more on the topic you’re sharing a story about. Interlinking these pages actually helps the reader too by removing the effort they need to take to consume more of your high-quality content.
Think about keywords
Keywords are important, and this is especially true when you’re interlinking content from one page to another. After you’ve done your research, you’ll be ready to set out the foundational layout of the piece of content you’re writing.
What lots of SEO writers will do (correctly) is to take the base keyword and sprinkle it in at certain times and use different variations. But, they’ll also be conscious about keyword stuffing (where it looks unnatural) and keyword density (if that’s been requested in an order).
These keywords also need to be added to the content without them seeming to be out of place. If a visitor feels everything reads a bit clunky then they might hit that back button, which creates a negative mark on the overall user experience that search engines monitor.
Synonyms help too
Synonyms are alternative words you can use to help avoid keyword stuffing or over optimization of the main keyword (known as density).
They’re related to the main word, so search engines will understand that they’re in the same area and attribute relevance to your content.
But, just like keywords (whether short terms or longtails) an SEO writer shouldn’t try to over-indulge in these.
It’s always possible to go back to something you’ve written on your website and edit it, increasing the keyword density if you need to and adding more information that will be helpful to the reader by refreshing the content.
Interesting content is important
Words that someone reads need to get the reader’s attention and encoruage them to take some form of action, no matter what the content is.
But, in order to acquire and then retain that attention your content needs to be of high quality and interesting to read. That all starts with doing the correct research around your topic, keyword and user intent.
Think about what the reader wants to achieve when they come to visit the page you’re creating: is it more information, to confirm their decision to purchase, to look for the best local professional to help them, or to create a short-list to make a decision at a later stage.
Once you understand the intention and what you want to achieve, you can go and create a great piece of content that is engaging and delivers what you want it to.
SEO writing doesn’t need to be hard, but it does require some thought and a little planning to ensure you get the maximum impact. A content writing agency such as Write Stop can help you create content that is SEO optimized and has the best chance against the competition.
You can either order your first 1,000 words of content using the order now button above or contact us to discuss your requirements.
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