You finish for the day, tidy everything away and head off to bed.
There’s just one thing, though. You’ve been putting off writing that article/blog/piece of content and it’s due in a couple of days. (Realistically, it was due last week, but you’ve been putting it off.)
Tomorrow it’s time to get serious and finish it.
But, how and where do you find the motivation and the inspiration to write something?
It’s a challenge. Especially when you’re not thinking about writing all of the time: you’re busy with other parts of your job/business and writing that blog post isn’t on your highest priority list.
One important point to keep in mind is that you shouldn’t force yourself to write. It should come as something natural: your own motivation will only help to a certain point and after that you will need to use other things in your life to help with your inspiration.
Remember that people relate to and like stories, and most of the time, human interactions are story-based. If it makes it easier, then why not imagine having a conversation with your close friend when you’re writing the blog content piece.
So here are a few tips to help you become inspired:
Relaxation – taking your mind of the activity of writing is probably one of the most important things to do if you don’t know what to write about or you are unsure about how you structure a piece of writing.
Encouraging your mind to explore thinking about other things is essential, and it can be as simple as watching TV. But, when you think about how the story or message is being passed on to you as the viewer.
Pour yourself a glass – whether you love a glass of red wine or you’re more of a beer person, having a glass or two of your favorite beverage (it doesn’t have to be alcohol) might help get you in the mood and help you relax.
Anything that will put you in a state where you’re able to think about what you’re writing and
And if you’re thinking with dread that you don’t want some drunken drivel to end up on the final piece, it won’t: you can edit it out. Now, there are many people who don’t agree with writing drunk and editing sober, and I’d agree with them.
For me, having a couple of glasses of red wine is a great process to unlock the part of my brain that can write about things a little more freely and encourage me to write more freely (with the knowledge that I can tidy things up a little later).
Being in a relaxed mindset can help remove all of the clutter and non-sense thinking that clouds our thoughts every day.
Read – It seems counter-intuitive, doesn’t it? It isn’t. Reading a book, a newspaper, the news or a magazine can move your current thinking off of what you’re supposed to be writing about. If you concentrate on how the story is being delivered to you (it doesn’t matter what type it is or whether it’s fact or fiction) and how you feel when reading, then this might give you some inspiration.
Forums – there are many different online forums, from beauty products to how to take care of your garden. The forums threads and posts will inspire you with ideas and language that people use and help you with ideas and information around your topic.
Music – lots of people are inspired by different genres, whether that’s the sixth symphony or Cold Play’s new album. Playing music in the background may help to lift your mood and encourage the creative juices to flow.
Speaking to others – having conversations with other people about the topic you are writing on will be helpful. Sometimes, if you’re having a conversation with a colleague or friend (who works in the same industry), then they can give you an inspiring thought that can help you to write that piece.
The outdoors – on the same topic of clearing your mind, heading for a walk in the country can help remove what’s currently on your mind and help you think about what you want to write about.
Exercise – whether it’s going to the gym and lifting some weights or head to the court and having a fierce game, getting sweaty and working out can really stimulate the mind. And…. if you’re a runner then feel free to head out for a run to clear your mind.
Google – sometimes you need some help, real written-word help. If you’re really struggling to know what to write about, then head to Google and type in your industry or a topic area you might be interested in writing about. There are billions of pages on the internet indexed by Google and which will direct you in the best possible way.
The place where you get the inspiration to write doesn’t matter all that much and it’s going to be different for everybody. The stories you write about and what to tell other people through the written word should come out when they’re supposed to. Not a moment before.
If you’re interested in learning more about the way we craft our words see our writing portfolio of samples here.
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